Brain-Mamba: Encoding Brain Activity via Selective State Space Models

Ali Behrouz, Farnoosh Hashemi

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Abstract: Representation learning of brain activity is a key step toward unleashing machine learning models for use in the diagnosis of neurological diseases/disorders. Diagnosis of different neurological diseases/disorders, however, might require paying more attention to either spatial or temporal resolutions of brain activity. Accordingly, a generalized brain activity learner requires the ability of learning from both resolutions. Most existing studies, however, use domain knowledge to design brain encoders, and so are limited to a single neuroimage modality (e.g., EEG or fMRI) and its single resolution. Furthermore, their architecture design either: (1) uses self-attention mechanism with quadratic time with respect to input size, making its scalability limited, (2) is purely based on message-passing graph neural networks, missing long-range dependencies and temporal resolution, and/or (3) encode brain activity in each unit of brain (e.g., voxel) separately, missing the dependencies of brain regions. In this study, we present BrainMamba, an attention free, scalable, and powerful framework to learn brain activity multivariate timeseries. BrainMamba uses two modules: (i) A novel multivariate timeseries encoder that leverage an MLP to fuse information across variates and an Selective Structured State Space (S4) architecture to encode each timeseries. (ii) A novel graph learning framework that leverage message-passing neural networks along with S4 architecture to selectively choose important brain regions. Our experiments on 7 real-world datasets with 3 modalities show that BrainMamba attains outstanding performance and outperforms all baselines in different downstream tasks.