Katie Link

Katie Link

Bio: Katie Link is the Healthcare Solutions Product Manager at NVIDIA, where she helps enable healthcare companies and researchers to solve real-world healthcare challenges with large language models (LLMs) and other advanced technologies. Prior to NVIDIA, she led healthcare and life sciences applications of artificial intelligence as a Machine Learning Engineer at Hugging Face, an open source AI startup. She is currently based in New York City and is on leave as a medical student at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. While in medical school, she led artificial intelligence research at NYU Langone Hospital, creating the largest open dataset of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for brain metastases and developing novel deep learning algorithms for tracking cancer progression. In her spare time, she also works on AI education initiatives for medical trainees and physicians. Prior to medical school, she was an AI Resident at Google X. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Neuroscience with a minor in Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University.