Financial support ensures that CHIL remains accessible to a broad set of participants by offsetting the expenses involved in participation. We follow best practices in other conferences to maintain a transparent and appropriate relationship with our funders:

  1. The substance and structure of the conference are determined independently by the program committees.
  2. All papers are chosen through a rigorous, mutually anonymous peer review process, where authors disclose conflicts of interest.
  3. All sources of financial support are acknowledged.
  4. Benefits are publicly disclosed below.
  5. Corporate sponsors cannot specify how contributions are spent.

2024 Sponsorship Levels

Sponsorship of the annual AHLI Conference on Health, Inference and Learning (CHIL) contributes to furthering research and interdisciplinary dialogue around machine learning and health. We deeply appreciate any amount of support your company or foundation can provide.

Diamond ($20,000 USD)

  • Prominent display of company logo on our website
  • Verbal acknowledgment of contribution in the opening and closing remarks of the conference
  • Access to CHIL 2024 attendees’ contact and CV who opt-in for career opportunities
  • Dedicated time during the lunch break to present a 20-minute talk on company's research in machine learning and health research or development
  • Present demo during the poster session
  • Free registration for up to ten (10) representatives from your organization
  • Free company booth at the venue

Gold ($10,000 USD)

  • Prominent display of company logo on our website
  • Verbal acknowledgment of contribution in the opening and closing remarks of the conference
  • Present demo during the poster session
  • Free registration for up to five (5) representatives from your organization
  • Free company booth at the venue

Silver ($5,000 USD)

  • Prominent display of company logo on our website
  • Verbal acknowledgment of contribution in the opening and closing remarks of the conference
  • Free registration for up to two (2) representatives from your organization

Bronze ($2,000 USD)

  • Prominent display of company logo on our website
  • Free registration for one (1) representative from your organization

To become an CHIL 2024 sponsor, please email

CHIL Sponsors

Thank you to our 2024 sponsors: Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Gold), Department of Health Outcomes and Biomedical Informatics at UFlorida College of Medicine (Gold), Apple (Silver), Genentech (Silver), Google (Silver), The Mount Sinai Hospital (Silver), Computational Precision Health Program at UCSF / UC Berkeley (Silver), UF Health (Silver), Chase Center at University of Pennsylvania (Silver), Department of Biostatistics at University of Pennsylvania (Silver), Department of Biostatistics at Columbia University (Bronze), Health Data Science (Bronze), and the Department of Surgery at University of Minnesota (Bronze)!