The AHLI CHIL 2024 Doctoral Symposium is an opportunity for PhD students to broadcast their research and get feedback on their directions from CHIL attendees and leaders in the field. Participants will present their ongoing and/or future doctoral dissertation work as a poster, encouraging discussion of ideas with senior leaders and CHIL participants. There is an additional opportunity to be selected for a 5 minute lightning presentation. Our main CFP can give an indication of the areas that are covered in CHIL. In addition to the lightning talks and poster session, participants will have facilitated opportunities to connect with and meet established researchers one-on-one throughout the conference. The Doctoral Symposium will be held on June 28, 2024 in New York City, NY, United States. It is an in-person event.

Important Dates

  • Application due: March 15, 2024 11:59 PM EST
  • Notification: April 5, 2024
  • Doctoral Symposium: June 28, 2024 (New York City, NY, USA)


We welcome applications from Ph.D. students in computer science, data science, medical/health informatics, and other related fields. Successful candidates can be either senior students with concrete dissertations or junior students without full plans who may benefit from feedback from other participants. There will be prizes for the best presentations.

CHIL Sponsors

Thank you to our 2024 sponsors: Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Gold), Department of Health Outcomes and Biomedical Informatics at UFlorida College of Medicine (Gold), Apple (Silver), Genentech (Silver), Google (Silver), The Mount Sinai Hospital (Silver), Computational Precision Health Program at UCSF / UC Berkeley (Silver), UF Health (Silver), Chase Center at University of Pennsylvania (Silver), Department of Biostatistics at University of Pennsylvania (Silver), Department of Biostatistics at Columbia University (Bronze), Health Data Science (Bronze), and the Department of Surgery at University of Minnesota (Bronze)!