Day 1

If the Livestream seems inaccessible, please try refreshing your browser. Clicking the "LIVE" button ensures you are in sync with the live content.

Day 2

If the Livestream seems inaccessible, please try refreshing your browser. Clicking the "LIVE" button ensures you are in sync with the live content.


To sign in to, click the Login via Auth0 button. You do not need to enter an email and password. You will be asked to choose a nickname.

Click here to open in a new browser tab.

Tutorials are hosted in Zoom. For Day 1, the link can be found here. For Day 2, the link can be found here.

Gather (link) is used for:

  • Poster session
  • Research roundtables
  • Sponsor booths
  • General socialising

Media Release Statement

By joining this conference, you are granting the CHIL organizing committee permission to use your image (screenshots and/or video recording) for use in media publications including videos, email blasts, social media, brochures, newsletters, websites, and general publications.

CHIL Sponsors

Thank you to our 2024 sponsors: Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Gold), Department of Health Outcomes and Biomedical Informatics at UFlorida College of Medicine (Gold), Apple (Silver), Genentech (Silver), Google (Silver), The Mount Sinai Hospital (Silver), Computational Precision Health Program at UCSF / UC Berkeley (Silver), UF Health (Silver), Chase Center at University of Pennsylvania (Silver), Department of Biostatistics at University of Pennsylvania (Silver), Department of Biostatistics at Columbia University (Bronze), Health Data Science (Bronze), and the Department of Surgery at University of Minnesota (Bronze)!